


Project Name




HORIZON-RIA – HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions / HORIZON-CL6-2023-BIODIV-01-13 – Crop wild relatives for sustainable agriculture

Grant agreement ID:



Project Phase

2024 – 2028

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FRUITDIV (# 101133964) е европски проект кој има за цел да ги идентификува, карактеризира и користи дивите овошни видови поврзани со култивирани видови.





United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) / United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Project Phase



The project aims at enabling the Republic of North Macedonia at national level to enhance UNCCD related reporting and monitoring mechanisms to combat land degradation and desertification. This will contribute to the development of effective policies, knowledge sharing opportunities, practices conducive to sustainable land management, all of which will be able to generate global environmental benefits while supporting local and national, social and economic development. The second phase mainly envisages the activities related to national report validation and submission of the report to MOEPP UNCCD Focal Point (and further to the UNCCD Secretariat).


Main deliverables:

​– National UNCCD report revised according to stakeholders’ comments and minutes from the consultation process

– National Report validation through consultations, which include UNCCD Focal Point, different stakeholders, CSOs, research and academia.

– Validated reporting results submitted to MOEPP UNCCD Focal Point (if necessary, support to placing it on the reporting platform PRAIS, including integration into a public user interface to query and visualize the data by wider audience).




Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe – (GWP CEE)

Project Phase



The Balkan Foundation for Sustainable Development (BFSD) together with Hydrometeorological Service of North Macedonia made a contribution that supported project management services for Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe (GWP CEE) including:

– Preparation of data following the instructions and guidelines provided by partners

– Participation in three trainings and pre- and post-training national- supervisions

– Contribution to content report of the project


Main deliverables:

​- Review of available meteorological data and meteorological stations for the Drin Basin area;

– Calculation of the Standard Precipitation Index-SPI for 1, 2, 3 and 6 months;

– Drought indicators/indexes that could be used for the Drin Basin area: Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), Effective Drought Index (EDI), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Vegetation Condition Index (VCI), Soil water index (SWI), Vegetation health index (VHI), Agricultural Stress Index (ASI), Combined Drought Index (CDI), Current Precipitation and Temperature data and Soil Moisture based drought index available at Flood and Drought Portal and UNESCO/PCA Web Based Drought Monitoring Platform.

Monitoring and Conservation of Endemic and Endangered Trout in National Park Pelister and Prespa Region, North Macedonia



The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) / PRESPA OHRID NATURE TRUST (PONT)

Project Phase

2020 – 2022


The project supports actions towards the conservation of the endemic Prespa trout (Salmo peristericus) which is listed as Endangered (EN) on the global IUCN Red List. It enables the BFSD to design and facilitate a participatory process for developing a Conservation Action Plan for the endemic Prespa trout. This is being done in collaboration with the Public Institution Pelister National Park and other stakeholders involved in the management of water resources and freshwater biodiversity on the Macedonian side of Prespa.


Main deliverables:

​- Conduct a study on distribution, population size and conservation status of the Prespa trout in three rivers, Brajchinska, Kranska and Leva;

– Build upon and updating the data from studies conducted before the construction of hydropower plants;

– Develop a Conservation Action Plan and transboundary collaboration with stakeholders in the Greek part of Prespa;

– Public awareness and capacity development activities for establishing a long-term monitoring program for the trout.




United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) / United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Project Phase

2020 – 2021


The project aimed at collection of necessary biophysical and socioeconomic data to enable the Republic of North Macedonia at national level to enhance UNCCD related reporting and monitoring mechanisms to combat land degradation and desertification. This should contribute to the development of effective policies, knowledge sharing opportunities, practices conducive to sustainable land management, all of which will be able to generate global environmental benefits while supporting local and national, social and economic development.


Main deliverables:

-identified Key stakeholders (land cover, land productivity and soil carbon stock);

-collected and analyzed Biophysical and socio-economic data (including field data) on DLDD;

-established database for monitoring of UNCCD indicators.


“Achieving Biodiversity Conservation through Creation and Effective Management of Protected Areas and Mainstreaming Biodiversity into Land Use Planning – Implementation of Component 3: Land Use Planning and Biodiversity Mainstreaming”

Output Development guidelines/recommendations for proposed revision of National Spatial Plan for mainstreaming biodiversity conservation into national planning / Development of guidelines/recommendations for proposed revision of Forest Management Plans for areas managed by National Forests with an aim to introduce ecologically sustainable forest management practices and inclusion of specific elements for threatened biodiversity;

Output Development of training program and conducting training for spatial planners and other relevant stakeholders / Development of training program and conducting training for forest management planners and other relevant stakeholders.



Global Environmental Facility (GEF) / United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Project Phase

2020 – 2021


The project “Achieving Biodiversity Conservation through the Creation and Efficient Management of Protected Areas and Mainstreaming Biodiversity into Land Use Planning, was funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and implemented through the United Nations Environment Program (UNDP) UNEP), the Vienna Regional Office and the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning of Northern Macedonia as the main partner and beneficiary.

Within the project output, the supporting documents elaborated in the previous phase of the project STAR5 were analyzed and guidelines/recommendations were developed for proposed revision of National Spatial Plan that relates to biodiversity conservation, Also the project build the capacities of spatial planners and other relevant stakeholders with conducting a training on mainstreaming biodiversity conservation into national planning.

The project output aimed in building the capacities of forest management planners and others involved in planning and management of forests with developing of training program and conducting a training for forest management planners and other relevant stakeholders, for introduction for ecologically sustainable forest management practices and inclusion of specific elements for threatened biodiversity,


Main deliverables:

​-Developed guidelines/recommendations for proposed revision of National Spatial Plan for mainstreaming biodiversity conservation into national planning;

-Developed training program;

-Conducted training for spatial planners and other relevant stakeholders;

-Developed guidelines/recommendations for proposed revision of Forest Management Plans for areas managed by National Forests with an aim to introduce ecologically sustainable forest management practices and inclusion of specific elements for threatened biodiversity;

-Developed training program;

-Conducted training for forest management planners and other relevant stakeholders.


“Achieving Biodiversity Conservation through Creation and Effective Management of Protected Areas and Mainstreaming Biodiversity into Land Use Planning”

Activity Preparation of national erosion and drought sensitivity map, and identification of high-risk zones and their impact to biodiversity;

Activity Database development of soil sealing rate and loss of soil organic matter on 3 pilot sites in Macedonia and analysis of their impact to biodiversity;

Activity Forest vegetation maps for 3 pilot sections with plant communities that support rare, threatened or endangered species as supporting documents for proposed revision of Forest management plans



Global Environmental Facility (GEF) / United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Project Phase

2018 – 2021



The project “Achieving Biodiversity Conservation through the Creation and Efficient Management of Protected Areas and Mainstreaming Biodiversity into Land Use Planning, was funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and implemented through the United Nations Environment Program (UNDP) UNEP), the Vienna Regional Office and the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning of Northern Macedonia as the main partner and beneficiary.

Within the project activity, the main focus was on development of the methodology for preparation of national soil erosion and drought maps that represented the basis for initial development of the related datasets and its further updating and maintenance. Moreover, these datasets were organized in a manner to be networked with other existing and future datasets related to desertification (soil, weather, land use, hydrology etc.) and become part of the decision making with wider environmental scope in the country. The required information was provided through analysis of existing information and outreach activities. Further these maps and database should be essential source on information on national level and will serve as a basic data source for activities related to drought and desertification processes.

Within the project activity, the main focus was on development of the standard methodologies and procedures for field work that were selected in a line with existing EU standards and guidelines, for development and preparation of soil sealing and soil organic carbon digital datasets for three pilot sites in Macedonia, and its further updating, maintenance and networking with other relevant datasets. During the preliminary phase, all existing historical data related to soil sealing and sol organic carbon and relevant co-variables in digital and hard copy were collected, analyzed and integrated into preliminary digital data base. All data gathered during the preliminary and field work was organized and stored into structured data bases which enabled its further integration with other relevant co-variables. The spatial distribution and dynamics of these processes were analyzed and modelled as well as their extent and evaluation of the risks on other natural resources These datasets represent an essential source on information for the current state of these processes and should become a valuable decision-making tool for the key stakeholders.

The main focus of the project activity was the development of forest vegetation maps for three pilot sections in Macedonia using “Land Cover Classification System (LCCS)” edited by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO, 2005), modified by (Jennings, 2003 and 2009), EUNIS Forest Habitat Types and incorporating the best available past and proposed aerial photo-interpreted mapping, additional audited survey plot data and improved terrain, substrate and climate variables. The approach entailed: hierarchical multivariate classification of floristic data; definition of ecosystem units from the hierarchy based on their floristic, structural and environmental integrity; and mapping using environmental relationships and remote sensing (Aerial Photography Interpretation) as a basis for spatial interpolation.


 Main deliverables:

​-Finalized National erosion and drought sensitivity maps, and identification of high-risk zones and their impact to biodiversity;

-Developed template for data gathering and collection of phenological data as a key indicator of the effects of climate change on biodiversity from all phenological stations in the country;

-Developed methodology for gathering erosion parameters on field and erosion modeling in a GIS environment (methodology is in numerical format in order to be used in a GIS environment);

-Developed models for spatial distribution of climate parameters and phenology;

-Developed Database of soil sealing rate and loss of soil organic matter on 3 pilot sites in Macedonia and analysis of their impact to biodiversity;

-Developed field survey for soil sealing rate and loss of soil organic matter methodology and field work plan in satisfactory resolution;

-Performed Field survey and collection of soil samples and data for other environmental co-variables from the 3 pilot sites in Macedonia;

-Collected land management data related to SOM dynamics and soil sealing.

-Developed Forest vegetation maps for 3 pilot sections with plant communities that support rare, threatened or endangered species;

-Organized Training on forest vegetation mapping and location of plant associations using field maps and GPS;

-Performed Field Missions for Data Collection, Management and Analysis using GIS/GPS;

-Identified and Described Plant Associations in 3 Pilot Sections;

-Identified and Described Rare and Threatened Plant Habitats in 3 Pilot Sections;

-Organized two workshops for presentation of project results.

Climate change and future of grape and wine


Project Phase

The project aimed at raising public awareness on the effect of climate change on grape growing and wine production, in order to introduce climate-responsive measures and policies in a sustainable and inclusive manner in North Macedonia.
The specific project objectives were:
-Identification of the effect of climate change on grape growing and wine production;
-Raising public awareness of the importance of climate change among all stakeholders in the agricultural sector related to winemaking and viticulture;
-Initiation of vertical networking of local producers of vines and wineries, as an important aspect in the adaptation to climate change;
-Contribution to the creation of a national strategy for agriculture and rural development (2021-2027), as well as national programs for agriculture and rural development, in order to introduce climate-responsive measures and policies.

Main deliverables:
– Identified measures to reduce the effect of climate change and adaptation of grape cultivation;
– Established network of local producers of wines and wineries;
– Organized workshops for raising public awareness on the effect of climate change on grape growing and wine production;
-Prepared Manual on Climate Change Impact on Grape and Wine and Recommendations for Adaptation.


Program for Improving the Management of Protected Areas – Project “Sustainable use of plant natural resources in the Prespa region”



European Union (EU) / United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

Project Phase

2018 – 2020


The Balkan Foundation for Sustainable Development (BFSD) in cooperation with the Pelister National Park, implemented the project “Sustainable use of plant natural resources in the Prespa region”, part of the Program for “Improving the Management of Protected Areas” funded by the European Union and implemented United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning.

The main goal of the project was improved protection, conservation, monitoring and sustainable use of wild plants that was achieved by mapping and determining the biopotential of plants, promoting natural and traditional values and raising public awareness of the importance of wild herbs, aromatic, fruit and forest species in the Pelister National Park and part of the Prespa region.


Main deliverables:

​-Study for mapping, distribution and biopotential of wild plant species containing 15 digital maps of wild medicinal and aromatic plants, fruit and forest plant species. The digital maps were prepared by the expert team during the conducted extensive field research;

-Feasibility study for blueberry which deals with several aspects of blueberry, such as natural conditions for growth and development of blueberry, biology, physiology, distribution, population size and productivity of blueberry, as well as socio-economic processing of data obtained from field research;

-Manual for sustainable collection and monitoring of wild medicinal and aromatic plants, fruit and forest plant species, for the needs of the staff in the Pelister National Park and the local population;

-The ethno-botanical study that documents, describes and explains the complex relationships between the culture of the population and the plants, focusing primarily on how they are used by humans and the transfer of knowledge from generation to generation. Within the project, 138 collectors from 20 villages from the Bitola and Resen region in the vicinity of NP Pelister were surveyed. In addition, views are given on the relationship between conservation and management, and thus the human role in biodiversity and together with traditional knowledge to create space for better and sustainable use of plant natural resources.

-Several trainings for the collectors of wild plants from the Bitola and Resen region and preparation of educational and informative material available for the local population.

Program for Social and Economic Development

The Best for the Smallest – Phase I
The Best for the Smallest – Phase II
Better Conditions for Students with Special Needs
Improving Conditions for Pupils


Project Phase
2016 – 2019

Four projects were implemented through the Program for Social and Economic Development Program in the period from 2016 to 2019.
The main goal was creation of suitable environment for the pupils and students in the selected schools and boarding school centers in Macedonia through improving of living conditions and promotion of sustainable energy savings. The overall objective was establishing conditions for long term and sustainable and economic development in the schools and boarding school centers.

Main deliverables:
-Renovation of boarding school center in the village of Dragomance, Municipality of Staro Nagoričane (Phase I)
-Renovation of boarding school center in the village of Dragomance, Municipality of Staro Nagoričane (Phase II)
-Renovation of secondary school for rehabilitation and education of students with special needs “Partenija Zografski”, Municipality of Gazi Baba, Skopje
-Renovation of primary school “Vera Kotorka” in the village of Klečovce, Municipality of Kumanovo,

Nature Conservation Program in North Macedonia (NCPNM) – Phase II. 

Project: Old-Growth Trees in Malesh and Pijanec




Project Phase



The aim of the project was greater promotion of the old-growth trees on the territory of Malesh and Pijanec through their protection and bringing their high natural values ​​closer to all interested persons. With the implementation of this project, the old growth-old trees in the regions Malesh and Pijanec project were identified, promoted and protected, and their natural values were included ​​in the tourist attractions of the municipalities of Berovo, Pehchevo and Delchevo, as a unique tourist offer.

The region of Malesh and Pijanec is located in the far eastern part of the Republic of North Macedonia and covers an area of 1 414 km2. It is rich with numerous natural values, among which are the forest tree species and the various forests which make the region particularly interesting for visitors. The old-growth trees found in this region are long-standing plant organisms that represent a long life and development period, as well as living memorials that can only be created and shaped by nature through its overall biochemical and historical influences.

Total 45 old-growth trees are identified, described and marked in several localities such as: Paruca, Goten, Govedarnik,Chengino Kale, Dimlivo Prisoe, Kosevica, Vratislavci, Svinjo Brdo, Selnik and Dulica. These trees have invaluable significance for the biodiversity and stability of forest ecosystems and contribute to the overall natural ambient of the forest as a whole. The information and data they contain in terms of the genuine genetic resources of the species, climate change and other influences are very important and are of great interest to the science and society.


Main deliverables:

​- 45 old-growth trees have been identified, registered, and their age was determined among which the oak tree with the age of 630 years near the locality Vrtislavci as the oldest trees in the region.

-The necessary measurements were performed on all registered trees, which are recorded in the identification forms;

-Digital positioning of trees in the field was performed by determining their coordinates and digital mapping in the OruxMap software package;

-45 old-growth trees have been selected, which are appropriately marked with information boards and entered on a map;

-A mobile Android application has been prepared and uploaded on Google Play Store which provides map, photos and basic parameters for 45 old-growth and most important trees on the territory Malesh and Pijanec, which you can download from Google Play Store at the following link: Old-Growth Trees.

Preparatory Phase (PPG PHASE) for further development of a future GEF project titled “Promoting Sustainable Land Management (SLM) Through Strengthening Legal and Institutional Framework, Capacity Building and Restoration of Most Vulnerable Mountain Landscapes”



Global Environmental Facility (GEF) / United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)




The purpose of the PPG phase was to develop a comprehensive project proposal to guide the implementation of the GEF-funded Full-Size Project (FSP) “Promoting Sustainable Land Management (SLM) Through Strengthening Legal and Institutional Framework, Capacity Building and Restoration of Most Vulnerable Mountain Landscapes” in Macedonia.

This preparatory phase finalized studies and arrangements necessary for the submission of project documents to the GEF; undertook stakeholder consultations and data collection in order to facilitate participation and defined relevant baseline and complementary activities; and developed a CEO Endorsement Request package for submission to the GEF.


Main deliverables:

-Analyzed Policy, Legal and Institutional Frameworks to enable planning;

-Assessed Project Site and analyzed detailed baseline information;

-Analyzed Knowledge Management and Information Framework;

-Defined Project Strategy;

-Prepared detailed report with the presentation of the results (baseline information);

-Two stakeholder’s workshops

-Expert meetings

-Completed logical framework, monitoring and risk plans, budget and financing plans;

Program for Nature Conservation in Macedonia (NCPNM)

Project: Identification, Inventory, Promotion and Protection of the Trees Monuments of Nature and the Old-Growth Trees Important for Biodiversity on the Maleshevo Mountains





Project Year



The project was implemented by the Balkan Foundation for Sustainable Development, on the territory of the municipalities of Berovo and Pehchevo. The main objective of the project was to preserve the nature and biodiversity of the Maleshevo Mountains. The specific goals of the project are related to the protection of trees, monuments of nature and old-growth trees and which are of great importance for the biodiversity of the Maleshevo Mountains through the implementation of the following activities:

From the work done so far and the achieved results, it is evident that in the Maleshevo Mountains there are a large number of old-growth trees that are important for biodiversity and that have the characteristics of natural monuments. Therefore, more detailed field research is needed to identify and record them, which will further help to promote and preserve them.


Main deliverables:

​- 35 old trees have been identified and registered;

-The necessary measurements were performed on all registered trees, which are recorded in the identification forms;

-Digital positioning of trees in the field was performed by determining their coordinates and digital mapping in the OruxMap software package;

-30 trees have been selected, which are appropriately marked with information boards and entered on a map;

-A brochure has been prepared which provides photos and basic parameters for 30 oldest and most important trees in the Maleshevo Mountains in terms of biodiversity, which you can see at the following link: Brochure: Old-growth trees in the Maleshevo Mountains;

-An orthophoto map was made, which marked the locations of the 30 oldest and most important trees in the Maleshevo Mountains.

Support to FYR Macedonia for development of National Action Programs aligned to the UNCCD 10 Year Strategy and Reporting Process under UNCCD



Global Environmental Facility (GEF) / United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Project Phase

2014 – 2016


The development of National Action Plan (NAP) to combat land degradation and its integration into the National Development Strategy and other relevant UNCCD strategies and documents in FYR Macedonia was highlighted as one of the urgent measures in addressing the problem of land degradation in the First National Report on the implementation of the UNCCD.

The project put an emphasis on the activities aimed at supporting mainstreaming the NAP recommendations into relevant national strategic documents.


The Project aimed at assist FYR Macedonia in formulating the first ever NAP in line with the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy resulting in improved planning and monitoring of UNCCD implementation at the national level for better decision making on desertification, land degradation and drought (DLDD) and sustainable land management issues.


Main deliverables:

– one stakeholder consultation workshop;
– two expert workshops;
– regular Expert Group Meetings;
– integrated financial strategy for NAP implementation;
– communication strategy for NAP implementation;
– National Action Plan to Combat Desertification in the FYR Macedonia.

European Commission 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technical Development

Project: Balkan GEO Network – Towards Inclusion of Balkan Countries into Global Earth Observation Initiatives




Project Phase



Inclusion of all Balkan countries into GEO and their contribution to GEOSS is of great importance, since only a comprehensive EO framework can lead to better understanding and more intelligent utilization of the environmental resources, increased quality of life and faster economic development. The importance and benefits from participation in global EO initiatives have already been recognized by several Balkan countries. However, a great number of Balkan countries are still not members of GEO.

This project aimed at identification of existing EO-data providers and users in the wider Balkan region, it determined their status, potentials and needs, and it coordinated EO players by establishing proper interfaces and networking between them. A broad analysis of gaps and complementarities of EO activities within the region was performed, with the emphasis on user needs in the specific context of the Balkan region.

The consortium has been carefully constituted to include key players both from EO-data provider and EO-data user communities, from all Balkan countries. Participants from other EU countries were included to allow straightforward identification of mechanisms for leveraging, developing and coordinating EO capacity building initiatives in the region, and to ensure that the Project outcomes will be in line with the currently designed Shared Environmental Information System and with Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe.


Main deliverables:

The main outcomes of the project were creation of a permanent web-based networking facility, and the design of roadmaps and recommendations for an active, coordinated and sustained participation of all Balkan countries in global EO initiatives. These outcomes also present a contribution to GEO task CB-09-03 „Building Institutional Capacity to Use EO” and specifically to subtask CB-09-03b „Establishing Regional Capacity Building Networks“.