ПРАШАЛНИК за диви овошни дрвја?
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• Земјоделец или расадничар,
• Водач или член на структура поврзана со земјоделството или животната средина,
• Професор, или студент
• Наставник или ученик,
• Претставник од државната управа или локалната самоуправа.
Дали имате 10 минути да одговорите на ПРАШАЛНИК за диви овошни дрвја?
Дивите овошни дрвја се видови на овошни дрвја кои не се одгледуваат, но растат во нивните природни живеалишта.
Потребно време (10 минути) https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZS8YKG7
Ви благодариме за вашето учество во оваа анкета поврзана со дивите овошни дрвја.
Вашите ставови се вредни за европскиот проект FRUITDIV.
Сите информации се анонимни и ќе се обработуваат во согласност со европската регулатива (ЕУ 2016/679) за заштита на личните податоци.
Потсетување до наставниците: Ве молиме да добиете согласност од родителите пред да ги интервјуирате децата.
FRUITDIV (# 101133964) е европски проект кој има за цел да ги идентификува, карактеризира и користи дивите овошни видови поврзани со култивирани видови.
The Balkan Foundation for Sustainable Development-BFSD opened its branch offices today in the Мunicipalities of Strumica and Resen.
The opening of the local offices follows the realization of cooperation with the two municipalities.
The Balkan Foundation for Sustainable Development-BFSD through its branch offices will be even more present in the Municipalities of Strumica and Resen, where it will support the sustainable use of natural resources, rural development and environmental improvement. At the same time with the opening of the branch offices, the Balkan Foundation for Sustainable Development will cover its activities in the southeastern part of the country, and the Prespa region.
Vasil Pop-Stojanov was appointed as a coordinator of the BFSD branch office in the Municipality of Strumica, and Angel Sekuloski was appointed as a coordinator of the BFSD branch office in the Municipality of Resen.
The Balkan Foundation for Sustainable Development-BFSD opened its branch office today (December 13th, 2022) in the Мunicipality of Debrca.
The opening of the local office in the municipality of Debrca builds on a series of previous successful activities of BFSD, which were carried out in cooperation with the Municipality of Debrca, as well as the support for the proclamation of “Belchishta Wetland” a protected area in category IV – Nature Park.
The Balkan Foundation for Sustainable Development-BFSD through its branch office will be even more present in the Municipality of Debrca, where the activities for the protected area “Belchishta Wetland” will gain intensity and visibility. At the same time with the opening of this branch office, the Balkan Foundation will cover its activities in the southwestern region of the country.
Angel Sekuloski was appointed as a coordinator of the BFSD branch office in the Municipality of Debrca.
If you like to participate, please join the ZOOM meeting on 12 August 2022 at 10.30h.
Meeting ID: 868 1254 4807.
Passcode: 852 8164 5799
STAR5 Project “Achieving Biodiversity Conservation through Creation and Effective Management of Protected Areas and Mainstreaming Biodiversity into Land Use Planning”
Component 3: Land Use Planning and Biodiversity Mainstreaming
Elaine Chen, an illustrator from Vancouver, Canada and Charlotte Walter, a scientist from the University of Freiburg, Germany, have created a calendar last year – Our Vulnerable Earth which included the Prespa trout as one of the twelve species. They are soon going to prepare for auctioning off the original art made for the calendar, including the Prespa trout painting. The auction of the Prespa trout is going to take place between 16 and 22 April 2021 and can be reviewed at the following link.
Forest vegetation maps for 3 pilot sections with plant communities that support rare, threatened or endangered species as supporting documents for proposed revision of Forest management plans